NGA International Charts

Standard Nautical Chart (SNC) Reduction

NGA is currently in the process of reducing its hard copy Standard Nautical Chart (SNC) portfolio. Sailing Directions, designed to be used in conjunction with the chart, are being adjusted to reflect the elimination of NGA-produced hard copy SNCs:
1. Sector Graphics—Making the following changes.
    a. Removing of all SNC footprints.
    b. Adding a Sector boundary polygon.
    c. Deleting of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) information paragraph.
    d. Updating the Sector graphic caption “SECTOR ##—CHART INFORMATION” to read
2. Explanatory Remarks—Updating the Charts paragraph to reflect SNC reduction process.
3. Index—Gazetteer—Updating the information paragraphs to reflect the elimination of SNCs from
    the Sector graphic.
4. Sailing Directions Text—Removing all references to SNC chart numbers.

Users are cautioned these changes will not be made in all Sailing Directions simultaneously. They will occur as early as possible during the normal update/new edition production cycle of each individual Sailing Directions. Users are also cautioned some volumes of Sailing Directions may still contain references to cancelled SNCs. Regular updates will be provided when updated Sailing Directions with the above-described changes have been announced.

Sailing Direction publications can be accessed on NGA's Maritime Safety Web site ( ).
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