Outdated nautical charts reproduced and for navigation classes and education to train navigation skills without the expense of corrected charts.
Outdated nautical charts reproduced and for navigation classes and education to train navigation skills without the expense of corrected charts.
Outdated nautical charts reproduced and for navigation classes and education to train navigation skills without the expense of corrected charts.
Outdated nautical charts reproduced and for navigation classes and education to train navigation skills without the expense of corrected charts.
Realistic practice problems in chart work and general navigation and the Navigation Rules.
by David Burch A new, comprehensive text on how to take weather into account for the planning and navigation of voyages, local or global, using the latest technologies as well as the time-honored skills of maritime tradition, so that your...
For decades, the maneuvering board chart has been a mainstay for solving relative motion problems. The bearing and distance marks from the center, and the convenient scales at the sides allow quick and easy plotting of course and speed vectors....
Correct your charts in seconds with RED, GREEN, and BLACK symbols for pennies, change. These easy 'rub-on'/'rub-off' transfers are a navigators best friend. Eliminates the use of India ink and pens and is not water soluble so it cannot smear...
by David Burch Electronic charting benefits all mariners, professional and recreational, large vessels and small, power and sail, racing and cruising. The unique information in this book should help mariners in any of these categories master the use of ENCs...
by David Burch This book covers how to find position at sea from timed sextant sights of the sun, moon, stars, and planets plus other routine and special procedures of safe, efficient offshore navigation. Includes clear explanations of how it...
Reprint of Volume II of the 1981 edition of the American Practical Navigator, containing forumlas used for training purposes.
Perfect for plotting radar targets, tidal current plots, and all relative motion problems. . . Solutions are reached through easy-to-plot vectors. Figure course to steer in a current, heading to avoid collision, or heading to intercept another moving vessel. ....
The Nautical Almanac For The Year 1981 Data in this book are no longer valid for navigation. It is preserved in print because many training programs (including USCG and US Navy ) use examples from 1981 to teach celestial navigation....
SIGHT REDUCTION TABLES FOR AIR NAVIGATION SELECTED STARS EPOCH 2020 (GOOD THROUGH YEAR 2024) PUB.NO.249 VOLUME 1 - COMMERCIAL EDITION These tables were designed for air navigation where weight and space are at a premium, however, they are very popular...
by J. Duane Sept The Pacific Northwest coast is home to one of the most diverse displays of intertidal marine life in the world, including sponges, clams, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea anemones, jellies, fishes, seaweeds and more. The New Beachcomber’s...
Latitudes 75[ISBN: 1-57785-236-2]
Latitudes 60[ISBN: 1-57785-235-4]
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