The Star Finder 2102-D is an invaluable tool for celestial navigators to plan star and planet sights, but it can also be used by amateur star gazers for general star identification Overview Graphically portrays altitude and azimuth of fifty-seven numbered...
#317 Weems & Plath The Basic Navigation Set provides the essential navigation instruments required for basic navigation, such as finding your position and your range and bearing to a destination. Overview Includes: One #255-Weems Protractor, one #141- 15in. Parallel Rule,...
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By Bill BrogdonWant a full course in navigation? A whole toolbox of little-known tips and shortcuts to deal with real-life navigation situations without resorting to a slide rule? You get both in Boat Navigation for the Rest of Us, a guide...
By Mary BlewittThere is deep mystery and profound satisfaction in finding your position on earth by reference to the sun, moon, and stars – not to mention profound relief when the GPS receiver stops working in mid-passage. That is why...
by David Burch This book covers how to find position at sea from timed sextant sights of the sun, moon, stars, and planets plus other routine and special procedures of safe, efficient offshore navigation. Includes clear explanations of how it...
by Captain Joseph S. Murphy, II (Editor) Commonly known as just "The Murphy Books" or "Murphy Guides", the Deck Officer Study Guides contain actual United States Coast Guard license exam questions and answers released by the National Maritime Center. The...
by Captain Joseph S. Murphy, II (Editor) Commonly known as just "The Murphy Books" or "Murphy Guides", the Deck Officer Study Guides contain actual United States Coast Guard license exam questions and answers released by the National Maritime Center. The...
15th Edition Hardcover Book As paper navigational charts are replaced by vector images on computer screens, magnetic compasses enhanced by digital flux gate technology, and chronometers joined by atomic clocks, the demand has been mounting for an extensive update to...
By David BurchFind Your Way at Sea, No Matter What Every sailor knows that instruments can fail. Things get wet, break, fall overboard. Whether you're safe on your boat or drifting in a life raft, let David Burch show you...
by This definitive guide for navigators contains every pertinent piece of information needed to chart an accurate course, whether on open water or between islands - or icebergs
By Robert J. SweetFrom the National Education Officer of the U.S. Power Squadrons, here is the operator's manual that should come with every boater's GPS receiver or chart plotter. GPS for Mariners was immediately well-received by nautical book buyers because...
by David Burch & Stephen Miller An extensive practice exercise based on an actual voyage to Hawaii made solely by celestial navigation
By Nigel CalderAuthoritative, practical, and hands-on information on reading and relying on electronic and paper nautical charts The essential How to Read a Nautical Chart explains every aspect of electronic and paper nautical charts: how a chart is assembled, how...
by David BurchPlastic sextants are practicable at sea and preferable near land
by David Burch Practical small-craft navigation (sail or power) starting from the basics and ending with all that is needed to navigate safely and efficiently on inland and coastal waters in all weather conditions
by David Burch Electronic charting benefits all mariners, professional and recreational, large vessels and small, power and sail, racing and cruising. The unique information in this book should help mariners in any of these categories master the use of ENCs...
By Dennis FisherLatitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings is for people who like to work with their hands and who appreciate traditional nautical craftsmanship. You don't have to be the master of any craft to undertake any of these projects –...
by Geoffrey Kolbe Sun and Star Almanac extended to 2050, plus concise sight reduction tables. 2nd Edition With concise sight reduction tables
Realistic practice problems in chart work and general navigation and the Navigation Rules.
by David Burch Realistic practice problems in chart work and general navigation and the Navigation Rules
by David Burch This exercise book has been used in onboard navigation training courses, power and sail, for many years
by Navigation puzzles, controversies, historical problems, and other ponderables demystified by an expert navigator and writer
8½ x 11 Spiral Bound ISBN: 978-1-942388-61-6
Become an Expert Small-Craft Radar Operator Nothing beats radar for guiding your boat through the darkest night or the thickest fog. Radar enables you to plot a fix from just a single buoy or landmark, and it is the only...